At Beczak Environmental Education Center one of our most popular and interactive exhibits is our “Beach in a Box.” It's full of the treasures and artifacts we've collected along our marsh and beach. Every day the tide rises and falls and washes ashore exciting findings that give us clues to plants and animals found within the Hudson River and our watershed. Children love to come over to it and pick up the devils heads (water chestnuts), feathers, sea glass and more! You can do it too, here’s how…
How to create a Beach in A Box
Green Tip: Use a Clementine box or shoe box for your beach findings.
1. From any riverfront location, explore the beach at low tide for the following items.(insert Scavenger hunt pdf link)
2. Collect some sand and rocks.
3. Make sure to ONLY collect items that are non-living. Look for parts of animals (crab claws, oyster shells, bones, etc), or plants (seeds, bark, acorns, etc).
4. Bring back to your classroom and explore with your students.
5. Encourage your students to visit the river and collect items on their own time and contribute to the class beach in a box. Compare seasonal findings.